Tak mudah terima sedekah, Tok Bibah jual botol kosong, barang lusuh cari rezeki... mampu hantar anak angkat masuk universiti!

HATI siapa yang tidak tersentuh apabila melihat warga emas yang sudah lanjut usia masih lagi keluar mencari rezeki.

Melihat video yang tular di media sosial baru-baru ini, pasti ramai yang bergenang air mata dan serta merta teringatkan orang tua di kampung.

Dalam satu video yang dimuat naik di Facebook, kelihatan seorang nenek bersusah payah menolak basikalnya yang penuh dengan botol plastik dan bahan terbuang untuk dijual demi sesuap nasi.

Dalam video itu juga, kelihatan dua penunggang motosikal menghampiri nenek berkenaan di Sungai Nyior, Butterworth, untuk bertanyakan keadaannya, malah sempat menghulurkan sejumlah wang bagi membantu meringankan bebannya.

Lebih menyentuh hati, nenek berkenaan keberatan untuk menerima wang pemberian penunggang motosikal itu, malah siap meminta mereka menggunakan wang itu untuk membeli petrol.

Berkongsi cerita kepada mStar, pemuda tersebut, Muhamad Zaid Zubir Mohd Zabel berkata, ketika itu dia bersama seorang rakan yang dipanggil Abang Mat sedang dalam perjalanan ke Queensbay Mall.

Muhamad Zaid Zubir Mohd Zabel

“Saya pernah dengar dari rakan mengenai Tok Bibah ni. Menurut rakan, dia memang tinggal di Kampung Perlis, Butterworth tapi saya tak pernah berjumpa dengannya. Nak dijadikan cerita, kebetulan hari itu (Rabu) saya cuti. Dalam perjalanan, nak ke Queensbay, tiba-tiba terserempak dan kami pun berhenti untuk menyapanya,” kata pemuda berusia 24 tahun ini.

Menurut Muhamad Zaid, dia sekadar merakam video dan berkongsi di laman sosial hanya bertujuan untuk memberi mesej kepada masyarakat khususnya anak muda agar tidak lupa tanggungjawab kepada golongan yang memerlukan.

“Tak sangka video ini viral. Niat saya hanya kerana Allah, saya amat memahami kerana saya juga pernah susah dan bukanlah datang dari keluarga yang senang. Cuma sekadar berkongsi rezeki pada mereka yang memerlukan. Takut juga mengundang fitnah terhadap anak angkatnya. Namun tujuan saya hanya mahu beri mesej, itu sahaja,” katanya yang menjalankan perniagaan minyak wangi, Vic Paris Parfum secara kecil-kecilan.

Antara komen netizen yang simpati dan prihatin dengan keadaan Tok Bibah.

“Dengan hasil jualan botol kosong inilah, dia menyara hidup dan menghantar seorang anak angkatnya masuk universiti. Sebenarnya, anaknya melarang namun biasalah, orang tua mana reti duduk saja,” katanya.

Muhamad Zaid menambah, dia juga berhasrat memperuntukkan sebahagian daripada jualan minyak wanginya untuk disalurkan kepada Tok Bibah.

Sementara itu, rata-rata netizen sangat tersentuh hati melihat betapa gigihnya Tok Bibah mencari rezeki halal walaupun sudah berada di penghujung usia.

Malah mereka menyifatkan kegigihan Tok Bibah yang menggunakan tulang empat kerat sendiri untuk mencari rezeki wajar dicontohi oleh anak muda.

“Wahai kaki ragut, kamu tengok tok ni. Dalam usia emas beliau, masih lagi gigih mencari rezeki, kutip barang lusuh terpakai untuk dijual. Kamu yang sihat tubuh badan tapi pemalas. Kerja mencuri saja,” tulis seorang lagi pelayar.

Dalam masa yang sama, mereka turut memuji tindakan murni penunggang motosikal yang prihatin dengan keadaan Tok Bibah.

“Baik betul hati budi anak yang hulurkan bantuan. Sejuk perut ibu yang mengandungkan dia,” kata seorang pelayar.


 How Do Cash Back Cards Work?

Using Cash Back Credit Cards For Your Business

There are many different types of credit cards available out there and choosing which can benefit you and your business the most may be quite confusing.

However, if you are one of those people who do not have problems in paying monthly credit dues and want to save your company a lot of money, then a cash back credit card just might be perfect for you. Through cash back cards, you are able to enjoy the usual functions of a regular credit card with an added bonus, and that is of course, by receive cash back rewards on the purchases you have made with your account.

How Do Cash Back Cards Work?

A cash back credit card basically gives you bonus points every time you use it to purchase goods. They would start off by offering you a flat percentage rate refund in the form of statement credits, a check, gift cards or deposits into your bank account on the agreed timely basis of receiving your bonus. Percentage rates may vary with the provisions of your lender.

The methods for how cash is given back to you as reward often differ with your credit card’s terms and conditions, and so it is important to choose which type of rewarding method would more probably be of help to your business. For example, if you want cash to come back sooner, then a statement credit method of rewarding will be best for you as this is done monthly.

However, statement credits may seem as if they are just a mere reduction of your outstanding balance instead of an actual cash bonus. Checks on the other hand are usually only rewarded per year, but these can mount up as a huge cash incentive for your business.

Another method of cash back can also be through discount cards that can be of big help if you run a type of company that does a lot of purchasing for your undertakings. No matter what type of cash back method you choose, such a credit card can really help your business a lot.

How Do Cash Back Rewards Really Help?

But how does a cash back system really help a company by merely giving rewards? Let us analyze how much a company may spend in a year purchasing supplies like printing materials, boxes and even calling cards to boost operations. The company basically purchases all of these things for a whole lot of money during the year. And when you think about it, the rate of buying these supplies won’t stop anytime soon as long as the company stays afloat.

After all, these are basic goods that a business needs in order to continue production and generate income. So we would see through this scenario then that if a company makes use of a cash back credit card for its purchases and gets rebated for that, it is as if the company is being rewarded for merely going about its normal transactions.

An additional profit is generated to the company for no real cost at all since purchased goods with or without cash back would have been purchased anyway. And obviously, additional amount of money to a company’s account can always be very useful for any type of business.

The bottom line is, that through the use of cash back credit cards, not only is your business being assisted through the normal functions of a credit account, such as financing, but it is also given an extra incentive of earning more money through its reward process.

If bad debt and making the payment deadlines are no such problems for your company, then you have nothing to lose with this type of credit card and may even have so much more to gain.

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