Bapa ajak anak buat benda ‘gila’ halau asap ke Indonesia... jerebu tak hilang tapi ramai terhibur - “Sebenarnya dia sangat malu..

LEMAS dalam udara beracun? Seakan-akan tiada kesudahan, Malaysia terus mencatatkan Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) tertinggi.

Malah berdasarkan cerapan IPU oleh Indeks Kualiti Udara Dunia (WAQI) pada Rabu lalu, negara ini menduduki kedudukan teratas dalam senarai negara dengan pencemaran udara yang tinggi.

Masalah jerebu melibatkan Malaysia sejak sebulan lalu mengundang pelbagai masalah terutamanya dari segi kesihatan rakyat seperti masalah pernafasan, asma serta iritasi kulit dan mata.

Bagaimanapun, umum mengetahui masalah jerebu ini disebabkan oleh pembakaran terbuka yang berlaku di negara jiran, Indonesia sehingga Malaysia dan Singapura  turut terkena tempiasnya.

Tular satu posting di laman Twitter yang dimuat naik oleh Faizal Rosly atau lebih dikenali sebagai Ijai pada 16 September lalu memaparkan video dia bersama anak perempuannya meniup asap jerebu ke arah Indonesia menggunakan kipas mainan.
Terima kasih semua untuk sokongan dan kata-kata positif. Nasihat saya, anda patut meluangkan sedikit masa dengan melakukan perkara yang 'gila' bersama anak-anak anda kerana mereka membesar begitu cepat. Dan sebenarnya anak perempuan saya sangat malu nak buat aksi ini dengan saya.
Mengenakan kapsyen, "Saya bersama anak perempuan saya sedang melakukan projek meniup kembali jerebu ke Indonesia", video dua beranak yang berdurasi 34 saat itu berjaya meraih kira-kira 25,000 ulang kicau (retweet).

Rata-rata netizen terhibur dan memuji pendekatan yang dilakukan Ijai bersama anak perempuannya sebagai salah satu usaha simbolik bagi mengurangkan jerebu di Malaysia.

"Terima kasih Faizal kerana menyelamatkan jutaan nyawa rakyat Malaysia. Pakcik rasa sebak," kata seorang netizen yang menyokong tindakannya.

Rata-rata netizen menyokong projek 'blow the haze'

Menerusi video tersebut kelihatan Ijai memakai topeng klasik N95 manakala anaknya memakai topeng salah satu karakter dari filem Star Wars bagi menjayakan misi 'blow the haze' tersebut.

Ijai turut menggunakan khidmat 'Mr. google map' bagi meniup jerebu kembali ke Indonesia dengan menggunakan kipas permainan anaknya mengikut arah angin yang betul merujuk kepada peta Malaysia-Indonesia.

Balas Ijai di ruangan komennya.

Ijat turut berterima kasih atas kata-kata positif dan sokongan netizen terhadap videonya yang tular itu.

"Terima kasih semua untuk sokongan dan kata-kata positif. Nasihat saya, anda patut meluangkan sedikit masa dengan melakukan perkara yang 'gila' bersama anak-anak anda kerana mereka membesar begitu cepat. Sebenarnya anak perempuan saya sangat malu nak buat aksi ini dengan saya," balasnya menerusi ruangan komen," katanya.

Protecting Your Funds While Using Business Credit Cards

Business credit cards have gained certain popularity nowadays, especially amongst small business entrepreneurs. They allow people numerous opportunities and benefits that assist in helping many companies survive the difficult tides of the business world, especially when it comes to being an additional source and organizational system for funds that these small enterprises need.

However, not all of those who have ventured into such businesses have gained success with their use of business credits. Many people, because of poor management of such credit cards and business finances have ended up losing more money than gaining the benefits promised by lending firms. But with these credit cards’ usefulness for a starting business owner, how does one give security to his funds while using business credit?

Using Business Credit With Discretion

The smartest thing that anyone can do in making use of credit cards is to utilize it with much discretion. One of the common mistakes of business owners is relying too much of their companies expenses on debt. Remember that abuse of this privilege can lead you to obtain bad credit.

Companies should pay notice to their spending with the use of credit cards, and set limits to amount of purchases that they know they can afford to pay. Otherwise, they might find themselves in a pitfall of high interest rates and payment deadlines. As much as possible, when a company is still not earning much, the use of credit cards should only be limited to emergency cases and not as the main source of capital.

Make Timely Payments

Another step to take to avoid drowning the company in credit debts is to pay the bills on time every month. By not missing or delaying a single payment, one does not have to worry about building up liabilities, accumulating interests, and paying for penalty charges. It would certainly be very clever for one to prevent having to deal with additional business expenses. A business owner must consider that the money that could go to penalties and interest rates can instead enter the company as profit instead.

Take Extra Precautions

Necessary precautions must also be taken to protect the funds of the company. For example, if the type of business entails its employees to make use of business credit cards, then placing a credit limit on each employee will be necessary to prevent the abuse on the use of credits for personal purchases, particularly those that are outside of the company’s budget.

Aside from this, companies can also maximize provisions offered by credit cards such as obtaining periodical reports of statement of accounts. Through this, the company can examine how its budget is spent and could make crucial adjustments to help the business save money.

Using credit cards in business can really play a vital role in boosting success. Offering the necessary finances, establishing credibility and organizing cash flow are only a few of the many benefits that this tool has introduced to many small business owners.

But, like any tool, business credit cards can be mishandled and could end up in contributing to the failure of a company instead of the promised progress, especially with the mismanagement of funds. But if one makes use of these credit cards wisely by practicing discretion, making all the necessary timely payments and taking extra precautions, then one can surely prevent the pitfalls of loosing funds and make the business credit cards work to his or her advantage.

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