Sepupu Kahwin Dua Wanita Serentak, Pemuda Dedah Pebab pengantin Monyok - “Pakcik saya pengsan lima minit”

KECOH di media sosial apabila beberapa keping gambar seorang lelaki berkahwin dengan dua wanita secara serentak untuk hidup berpoligami tular.

Gambar yang dimuatnaik Jimmy Jim di Facebooknya pada Jumaat lalu dengan kapsyen 'Selamat pengantin baru... pecah rekod keluarga... sekali kahwin terus dua bini. Tahniah sepupuku... Apa bilang P.Ramlee... jarang-jarang' mendapat lebih 6,000 perkongsian di media sosial itu.

Jimmy Jim atau nama sebenarnya Jimmy Satan ketika dihubungi mStar berkata pengantin lelaki berkenaan yang dikenali sebagai Amin merupakan sepupu terdekatnya yang menetap di Semporna, Sabah.

"Amin sebenarnya sudah bertunang dengan kekasihnya satu kampung, Lena Saleh. Namun mereka bercinta jarak jauh, seorang kerja di Kota Kinabalu dan seorang lagi di Pulau Mabul.

"Ketika kerja di Pulau Mabul, Amin jatuh cinta dengan Aini Said (isteri pertama). Jadi mereka merancang untuk bernikah tetapi perkara itu diketahui tunangnya (Lena).

Pasangan ini dinikahkan serentak pada Jumaat lalu.

"Tunang Amin (Lena) pun balik kampung dan dia juga beritahu mahu bernikah kerana tidak sanggup berpisah dengan sepupu saya. Atas sebab itu mereka dinikahkan serentak pada Jumaat lalu," katanya.

Namun Jimmy atau lebih mesra disapa Jim turut berkongsi kisah bapa Amin tiba-tiba pengsan selepas dimaklumkan anaknya mahu beristeri dua serentak.

"Pakcik saya (bapa pengantin lelaki) pengsan dalam masa lima minit sebab terkejut anak dia mahu bernikah dengan dua perempuan.

"Sebab itu saya tulis dekat Facebook saya dia pecah rekod keluarga kami dan kaum Suluk di Sabah. Benda macam ni jarang-jarang berlaku dan belum pernah dibuat orang zaman sekarang.

"Pernikahan itu dipersetujui ketiga-tiga keluarga setelah mendapat pandangan Tok Kadi, ketua kampung dan penduduk di situ," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Jim turut menafikan dakwaan bahawa sepupunya itu menggunakan sebarang ilmu untuk memudahkan urusan perkahwinannya.

Kedua-dua pengantin perempuan mempunyai hubungan baik antara satu sama lain.

"Ramai tanya sepupu saya pakai ilmu apa? Saya kata kami tak pakai ilmu apa-apa. Itu ketentuan Allah... jodoh.

"Berdasarkan cerita nenek moyang kami, tradisi (kahwin serentak) pernah berlaku tetapi dalam kalangan keturunan bangsawan dan juga pahlawan perang.

"Zaman dah berubah jadi tak ada lagi orang buat macam ni. Tapi sepupu saya berjaya memecah rekod tradisi yang diamalkan sejak berabad lama itu," katanya.
Pakcik saya (bapa pengantin lelaki) pengsan dalam masa lima minit sebab terkejut anak dia mahu bernikah dua perempuan serentak.
Mengenai salah seorang pengantin perempuan yang didakwa kononnya tidak gembira dengan perkahwinan itu berdasarkan riyak wajahnya dalam gambar, Jim berkata kedua-dua pengantin perempuan yang masing-masing berusia 20 tahun tidak bermusuhan.

"Kedua-dua pengantin OK tak ada gaduh-gaduh. Pakcik saya kata mereka bahagia. Alhamdulillah.

"Muka isteri kedua (Lena) nampak monyok dalam gambar tu sebenarnya bukan apa... dia rasa malu sebab belum pernah ada orang buat macam mereka.

Pengantin perempuan setuju untuk hidup bermadu.

"Dan sebenarnya muka dia memang macam tu... nampak garang sikit. Tapi dia OK dan rela hidup bermadu kerana tidak sanggup berpisah dengan sepupu saya," katanya.

Jim yang bekerja sebagai pemandu lori di Kota Kinabalu tidak menduga gambar perkahwinan sepupunya di Facebook mendapat perhatian ramai.

"Saya sebenarnya tak dapat hadir ke majlis mereka kerana ada urusan kerja. Jadi kebetulan ada seorang sepupu kami yang datang dan saya minta dia ambil gambar dan video.

"Jadi saya pun post gambar dan video kahwin yang dia ambil di Facebook untuk tatapan ahli keluarga jauh yang tidak dapat hadir ke majlis pernikahan mereka.

"Tapi saya tak sangka pula boleh viral. Sampaikan media dari Singapura dan Indonesia turut hubungi saya untuk bertanyakan kisah perkahwinan unik ini," katanya.

Forex Signals - How to Instantly Trade Like You Have Decades of Forex Trading Experience

Seriously consider forex signs if you aren't yet trading have experience, or don't have much time.

In the easy one email a day variety into the forex mentor that sits as you exchange, holding your hands, a portfolio may transform you instantly and of forex trade alerts can be free.

If like us you've ever analysed a graph and put your trades, you will surely have also sat in front of your display if you do the proper thing wondering.

Questions like"have I entered this trade too late ?" And"am I investing in the right direction (long once I should be brief )" will surely have entered your own mind.

How often have you wished you had a professional trader with decades of experience guiding your transactions, keeping you from trades that were dangerous, and pointing you towards trades with a higher likelihood of success?

We were surely in that position many times in the first days, but imagined the price of having an expert on hand could far outweigh. It turns out we were wrong.

There are services available, known as forex signals, forex alerts, or forex tips.

Trading signs arrive in many different formats, to how much of your day you may devote to trading suited. And yes beware, there are tons of scams out there but we'll explain to you how you can prevent themand we'll direct you towards the ones that are greater.

Forex trading signals' characteristics to be aware of are as follows;

Most forex trade signals charge a very modest subscription fee, normally in the region of USD $80 - $400 per month (although thankfully most are in the lower end of the range), although there are also websites that provide forex signals for no charge.

In their simplest form you will be sent a forex alert email once a day commerce set ups by a forex trading signal.

A few are completely researched and generated, and some of them are computer generated, some are computer generated and then audited by an individual expert by a human expert trader who may incorporate some market commentary to their own forex forecast.

Some forex trading signals are quantity scalpers, calling trades. Others call a few trades a day, intending to profit 20 - 80 pips on each trade that is single.

In the full-service end of this market is the sort of forex signal service which provides you with an almost 24 hour a day live online aviation calling forex trading tips as they happen, describing the logic of the proposed trade and backing it up with an email or maybe a video clip.

Some forex trading signals will exchange their signals leaving you to simply sit back and watch.
This is very similar to what a robot does using forex signal software, but with the added reassurance that it's being done by a knowledgeable human that is intelligent trader as opposed to a machine following an algorithm.

Think of forex trading signals or internet connected notebook throughout daily. Whenever there is a trade to place or handle the air remains quiet when there is nothing to do, freeing your time to the priorities in your daily life, then calls for your attention.

You may be amazed, as we had been, to discover the prices charged by full-service providers are very similar to those charged by the 1 email a day providers.

This type of service also includes an interactive centre, allowing you to send a message when you've got a question.

Forex signal services have memberships, and a few limit the amount.

On the basis that time is money, in our view the amount of time we are now able to devote to other tasks by not devoting over our graphs for hours searching for the perfect trade setup, not to mention the progress in our trading outcomes, has more than compensated for the very modest cost of this forex signal subscriptions.

In the event that you employ this logic, subscription based solutions can be free once you take into consideration the improvement on your trading gains, and the freeing of your time.

A subscription based as its subscriber base would evaporate if it neglected to provide currency trading hints forex signal agency includes an integrated incentive to predict forex trading hints if you think about it. "Free" non subscription signs do not have this incentive.

Manage your risk

In any facet of forex trading your principal goal is to manage your risk. Investing in a foreign exchange transaction alert, and Selecting should be different.

Even the experienced supplier of foreign exchange signals will have losing trades. Nevertheless taken their winning currency trade with all indicates the overall result should continue to be profitable, but not all systems operate all of the time. Some forex alerts may even have.

But we have discovered through our experience that the best way of earning profits with forex signals is to subscribe to a number of different currency trading signals and trade all their signals. others break even, or should compensate and still net you a week if one of them is having a bad week.

Prior to investing in a provider's forex alerts, always do your due diligence. Forex signal services that are good will publish their 6 - 12 months results on their website. Some will show details of the actual trades they required to you. Expect to observe losses as well as winners - that is just the essence of trading. Really, if the results show the provider, or just winners is reluctant to show you some results, or to provide contact information of a number of the clients willing to provide a reference be on your guard.

Most will offer you some sort of trial or deal. Make certain you clearly understand the terms of this offer and know the deadline by which you need to give notice if you're not happy with the service provided to terminate.

If you compare the last 6 month's outcomes of all the forex signal service suppliers you would like to use, you need to find that taken as a whole they delivered a gain.

Past performance is no guarantee of future benefits, but we've discovered that in the event that you've got a good blend of trading styles on your signs portfolio you're in with a fighting chance of profits that are constant whatever the market requirements.

Think about the cashflow logic of everything you will do here - you are increasing your odds of gains, by combining them, and the subscription costs of every forex signals service are already quite modest. They all can't get it wrong all of the time, and keep in mind they are incentivised by their own membership to get it.

Even with experienced traders it's sensible risk management to never risk more than 3 percent of your capital on any 1 trade only 1 percent. So, if for example your initial capital, (or to put it another way, the maximum you can afford to lose) is let's say 5,000, the place size you choose on every trade ought to be such that in case the trade hit your stop loss, your maximum loss would be no more than 1% x 5,000 = 50.

Utilizing forex signals as trade thoughts

You can gain in their commerce idea, in case you prefer not to follow forex ideas to the letter.

For instance, if you receive a forex tip trading that the GBP/USD long with a 40 pip stop loss, but on assessing the graphs (following your attendance on a forex trading course) you are feeling more comfortable placing the stop loss let's say 63 pips below entry, giving the stop protection under a visible area of recent and previous support, which happens also to be below the weekly pivot point, and in doing this are happy to have a longer range target - then go right ahead and do so.

We were amazed to discover that if we did this with one of our forex signals' hints our trades performed better than theirs did. Two heads better than one.

The point is however, that with no forex market forecast drawing our attention to that chart at that specific time we'd not have seen that commerce idea.

This also makes the point that although it might at first seem temping to let your account is traded by a sign supplier for you, should you've got the time you may like to control it yourself.

If you are through a fantastic forex training program and understand the concepts of support, resistance, pivot points, trends etc you need to always use this knowledge to carry out your own due diligence. As we did that you can enhance the performance of your portfolio of currency trade recommendations, you might well find.

Free forex signals

This section would not be complete.

As we mentioned above even subscription ought to be free to you by virtue of phoning profitable trades to cover the subscription price.

In addition we prefer using subscription based forex signs since they have an incentive to always call transactions, in their subscribers will not remain together for very long if they do not.

Free signs by comparison don't have any such incentive, so be warned and trade them at your own risk.

The [] site provides access to free signals providers in addition to details of a few of the greater subscription services, together with free training videos and several other free tools, strategies and useful contacts to produce your forex trading as rewarding as possible.

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