Gambar bahagian dalam ‘Kancil lejen’ dikongsi... pemandunya didakwa berduit, fasih cakap Inggeris
SEBUAH kereta Kancil buruk yang viral telah disita pada Jumaat lalu, tetapi identiti pemandu misterinya terus menimbulkan tanda-tanya.
Dilihat di lebih dari tiga negeri berbeza, ramai yang pelik bagaimana ia dapat dipandu sejauh beratus-ratus kilometer dengan pintu hampir tercabut dan keadaan kereta yang sudah lusuh.
Bagi yang ingin melihat lebih banyak gambar 'Kancil lejen' ini, kumpulan Facebook Aurizn Malaysia ada membuat perkongsian.
Dalam pada itu, menurut laporan Sin Chew Daily, pemilik kereta ini bukan berasal dari Raub seperti yang diperkatakan sebelum ini.
Pemandu misteri ini didakwa dari Pulau Pinang dan keluarganya sekarang tinggal di Kuala Lumpur.
Bagaimanapun, dia sebelum ini dilihat di Raub, kerana bapanya membeli dan pernah tinggal di ladang getah di kawasan itu. Justeru, 'Kancil lejen' ini bukanlah asing lagi bagi kebanyakan orang yang tinggal di Raub.
Ramai hairan bagaimana Kancil ini boleh bergerak beratus-ratus kilometer dengan keadaannya yang teruk. -foto FB Aurizn Malaysia
Dalam satu temubual dengan Sin Chew Daily, seorang mekanik yang mengenali bapa kepada pemandu itu berkata dia telah menjual beberapa buah kereta kepadanya.
Kereta pertama yang dijual kepadanya telah dirosakkan kerana ia diparkir secara haram dan ditarik balik ke bengkel.
"Saya jual kereta lain kepadanya, sebuah Kancil 660, kerana dia beritahu saya anak lelakinya memerlukan kereta sendiri," katanya.
Menurut mekanik itu, pemandu Kancil berusia sekitar 40 tahun itu belajar di Singapura dan dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan fasih.
Bagaimanapun, disebabkan penyakit mental, dia terus memandu Kancil buruk itu di sekitar Malaysia.
Bahagian dalam 'Kancil lejen'. -foto FB Aurizn Malaysia
Mungkin ramai yang berfikir lelaki itu tidak mempunyai wang untuk membeli sebuah kereta baharu, namun seorang peniaga mi yang mengenali pemandu Kancil buruk itu berkata dia sebenarnya mempunyai wang tunai, sambil memberitahu dia sering datang ke gerainya pada 2016.
"Dia akan datang ke gerai saya untuk bungkus makanan pada Tahun Baru Cina. Dia ada tanah di Raub dan biasanya akan bayar dengan jumlah wang tunai yang agak besar. Dia kelihatan agak normal," katanya.
Tetapi sejak pemilik Kancil itu meninggalkan Raub, pemilik gerai mi itu tidak lagi mendengar sebarang berita tentangnya sehinggalah kisah Kancil buruknya tular di media sosial.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik (JSPT) Selangor Superintendan Azman Shari’at berkata, kereta itu disita kerana tidak sesuai digunakan di jalan raya berikutan keadaannya terlalu teruk.
Keadaan kereta ini yang terlalu teruk menyebabkan ia disita oleh pihak polis. -foto PDRM
"Kami sita kereta itu mengikut Seksyen 64 Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987 kerana ia tidak sesuai berada di atas jalan.
"Ia bukan saja membahayakan nyawa individu yang memandu kereta itu, malah boleh mengundang risiko kepada pengguna jalan raya lain," katanya memetik Harian Metro.
Azman berkata, pemilik kereta itu dibenarkan untuk menuntut semula kenderaan berkenaan, namun perlu melakukan pemeriksaan bagi memastikan ia selamat digunakan di jalan raya.
"Kereta itu perlu melakukan pemeriksaan dengan Pusat Pemeriksaan Kenderaan Berkomputer (PUSPAKOM) dan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) bagi menentukan sama ada ia boleh digunakan atau sebaliknya.
"Jika tidak, pemilik perlu menyelenggara kenderaan itu mengikut spesifikasi ditetapkan pihak berkuasa sebelum dibenarkan untuk digunakan di atas jalan," katanya. -WOB
Why You Need A Forex Trading System To Succeed
With whatever field or investment you'd love to choose, there are always tools and resources available to assist you. And this is particularly true when it comes to Forex. The money market can be very overwhelming, and getting a Forex trader does not come from luck. There are too many things that can impact the direction that currency prices will proceed.Here are just two realities to think about:
1. Most beginners attempt to choose on Forex with no assistance or tools. (Most newbies lose all of their money).2. Most successful traders use a Forex trading system to help them (Successful traders make VERY good money in Forex).
But even with those realities commonly understood, newbies still attempt to attack Forex blind, emphasizing their purchasing and selling decisions on experience and limited knowledge. It is not till they've lost all of their trading funds they consider that it likely would have been to put money into a Forex trading platform and applications from the beginning. Don't make the same mistake. If you want to be effective with currency trading (ie. Making constant profitable trades) then it is strongly advised that you investigate the many Forex trading systems and software on the market.
Let me illustrate using a narrative of roughly two Forex traders:
Jim and tom have been studying about Forex a whole lot. Both happen to be spending hours online trying to comprehend what currency trading is and how (and when ) they can make some quick gains. All of the marketing ads they read state that your money can increase very. Sure, there's some risk involved, but the rewards are simply too great to pass up. So they decide to try Forex out and see if they can make a go of it.Both guys are exceptionally motivated and would like to give their opportunity to Forex. So each of these is going to spend $1000 of the savings. Then they reevaluate whether or not to try again later on and will quit Forex if they lose the $1000. Both have shown that they are fully dedicated to making them Forex work, by investing a thousand bucks.
Starting Out:
Tom transports it into a retail Forex broker that is online and takes his whole $1000. Tom will be making his trading decisions all on his own. He will lurking to see if he can find some tips and will do his own research.Jim goes a different route. Although he is just as motivated as Tom, he is also mindful of the complexity of the Forex market and realizes that he does not have a lot of experience at this time. So he transfers it and chooses $900. He conserves the remaining $100 so as to access resources and tools (ie. Currency trading systems and software) to help him make better trades. He utilized to day trade stocks and understands first hand the advantage these tools and resources can have (especially if you're just learning the ropes).
Tom jumped right into currency trading. His first trade started off in the positive, but immediately moved south. Before he could post his request that was market, he'd lost $100. His trading history was similar to his trade Though he did have a few trades that are profitable, general. Many transactions started off good, but for some reason (he just did not have the expertise or knowledge to understand), then would finally trend down. Tom's trading account was down to $400.
Jim, did a bit of research and discovered Forex Ambush. This was. What really caught his eye was that they boldly stated that their trading signals were 99.9% accurate. How could they make such a bold statement? Jim did a little more digging and found plenty of positive feedback from current members. And there was into giving Forex Ambush a try one thing that eventually swayed Jim: they provided at a fraction of their cost.
He was excited. and he had $900 in his Forex trading accounts had $80 + to use Forex Ambush didn't help.
The following day Jim received an email with a trading signal. In his order, Jim set with the accuracy statement in his thoughts just as the trading signal given, although he was still new to Forex. Jim had left a $145 profit later that afternoon, when his transaction closed. He was excited! Jim went ahead and signed up for a member of Forex Ambush Following his 7 day trial finished. Although not every signal resulted in gains, virtually all them did. And the losses he did have were really tiny. After a month, Jim had $1750 in his Forex trading accounts.
Month 2:
From $1000 to $400, he had gone In a month. In order to try to make back his money, he did higher valued trades that were a lot more risky. The result: he had been down to $0 prior to the month had even ended. Tom was frustrated and angry. He swore off doing Forex again, telling anyone that would listen that it was a scam and they should save money.He turned it into $1750 and had turned his first $900. He was still getting the email from Forex Ambush together with the trading signals, but he was also testing out a few Forex trading strategies. After a month of trades that are lucrative, he had a better understand on the foreign exchange market and was full of confidence. By the end of month 2, Jim's trading account was currently at $2355.
And the most remarkable thing was that Jim was doing all this in his spare time. He still had a full-time job to pay his living expenses. Was additional. He's been considering quitting trading Forex and his job . But for now, he is happy for the stability his current job brings him is enjoying the benefits that his"side" money in Forex is supplying him.
The moral of this story: if you want to succeed at anything that you have knowledge and expertise with, it is recommended that you invest to maximize your odds of success.
You need to ask yourself: do you need to be poor, mad, and swearing that Forex is a scam? Or would you be enjoying the profits that those tools can help you make and buying programs that will assist you succeed? If you are serious about earning money then you definitely owe it to yourself to find a Forex trading system which will provide you the winning advantage.
Click Here [] to stop by my Forex Trading Systems For Beginners website to get more info on the importance of utilizing Forex instruments in order to SKYROCKET your odds of earning money with currency trading. It is also possible to read my"No-Holds Barred" review of three of the best Forex products which help traders earn money with Forex.